Source code for interfaces.common_functions.test_functions

import cocotb
import cocotb.log
import caravel_cocotb.interfaces.caravel as caravel
import logging
from cocotb.log import SimTimeContextFilter
from cocotb.log import SimLogFormatter
from caravel_cocotb.interfaces.common_functions.Timeout import Timeout
from cocotb.triggers import ClockCycles
import oyaml as yaml
    from cocotb_coverage.coverage import coverage_db
except ImportError:

"""configure the test log file location and log verbosity
   configure the test clock
   configure the test timeout
   configure whitbox models
   start up the test connecting power vdd to the design then reset and disable the CSB bit
   return the caravel environmnet with clock and start up

def read_config_file():
    config_file = f"{cocotb.plusargs['SIM_DIR']}/configs.yaml".replace('"', "")

    with open(config_file) as file:
        # The FullLoader parameter handles the conversion from YAML
        # scalar values to Python the dictionary format
        configs = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

        # print(configs)
        return configs


# async def test_configure(dut:cocotb.handle.SimHandle,timeout_cycles=1000000,clk=25,timeout_precision=0.2,num_error=3)-> caravel.Caravel_env:
[docs] async def test_configure( dut: cocotb.handle.SimHandle, timeout_cycles=1000000, clk=25, timeout_precision=0.2, num_error=3, start_up=True ) -> caravel.Caravel_env: """ Configure caravel power, clock, and reset and setup the timeout watchdog then return object of caravel environment. :param SimHandle dut: dut handle :param int timeout_cycles: Number of cycles before reporting timeout and exit the test default = 1000000 cycles :param int clk: The clock period to be used in the design in ``'ns'`` default 12.5 ``'ns'`` :param int timeout_precision: Precision of logging how many cycle left until the timeout default is 0.2 meaning if time is 100 cycle every 20 cycles there would be a warning message for timeout :param int num_error: Maximum number of errors reported before terminate the test :param bool start_up: start up the test connecting power and reset :return: Object of type Caravel_env (caravel environment) """ caravelEnv = caravel.Caravel_env(dut) Timeout(caravelEnv.clk, timeout_cycles, timeout_precision) cocotb.scheduler.add(max_num_error(num_error, caravelEnv.clk)) caravelEnv.setup_clock(clk) if start_up: await caravelEnv.start_up() await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10) # coverage = 'COVERAGE' in caravelEnv.design_macros._asdict() # checker = 'CHECKERS' in caravelEnv.design_macros._asdict() # if checker: # HK_whiteBox(dut, checkers=True) # GPIOs_ctrlWB(dut, checkers=True) # elif coverage: # HK_whiteBox(dut) # GPIOs_ctrlWB(dut) if "CPU_TYPE_ARM" in caravelEnv.design_macros._asdict(): caravelEnv.active_gpios_num = ( 34 # with ARM the last 3 gpios are not configurable ) # For calculating recommended timeout global CLOCK_GLOBAL CLOCK_GLOBAL = clk return caravelEnv
class CallCounted: """Decorator to determine number of calls for a method""" def __init__(self, method): self.method = method self.counter = 0 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.counter += 1 return self.method(*args, **kwargs) def report_test(func): async def wrapper_func(*args, **kwargs): # configure logging TESTFULLNAME = cocotb.plusargs["FTESTNAME"] sim_dir = f"{cocotb.plusargs['SIM_PATH']}/{cocotb.plusargs['TAG']}" TestName = func.__name__ logger_file = f"{sim_dir}/{TESTFULLNAME}/{TestName}.log".replace('"', "") cocotb.log.setLevel(logging.INFO) cocotb.log.error = CallCounted(cocotb.log.error) cocotb.log.critical = CallCounted(cocotb.log.critical) cocotb.log.warning = CallCounted(cocotb.log.warning) handler = logging.FileHandler(logger_file, mode="w") handler.addFilter(SimTimeContextFilter()) handler.setFormatter(SimLogFormatter()) cocotb.log.addHandler(handler) # call test await func(*args, **kwargs) if "COVERAGE_COLLECT" in cocotb.plusargs: coverage_db.export_to_yaml( filename=f"{sim_dir}/{TESTFULLNAME}/coverage.yalm".replace('"', ""), ) # report after finish simulation msg = f"with ({cocotb.log.critical.counter})criticals ({cocotb.log.error.counter})errors ({cocotb.log.warning.counter})warnings " if cocotb.log.error.counter > 0 or cocotb.log.critical.counter > 0: raise cocotb.result.TestComplete(f"Test failed {msg}") else:"Test passed {msg}") f'Cycles consumed = {int(cocotb.utils.get_sim_time("ns")/CLOCK_GLOBAL)} recommened timeout = {int(cocotb.utils.get_sim_time("ns")*1.1/CLOCK_GLOBAL)+1} cycles' ) return wrapper_func async def max_num_error(num_error, clk): while True: await ClockCycles(clk, 1) if cocotb.log.error.counter + cocotb.log.critical.counter > num_error: msg = f"Test failed with max number of errors {num_error} ({cocotb.log.critical.counter})criticals ({cocotb.log.error.counter})errors ({cocotb.log.warning.counter})warnings " raise cocotb.result.TestFailure(msg)